1. Service Description
- Our company offers you experienced Employees who work under your management in
order to execute the projects you assign to them. - TradeDesk Team Ltd selects the Employees according to the criteria you have indicated
to us and recommends the ones that considers to meet your needs. However, and in
case that you are not satisfied with our selection, at any stage of our cooperation, we
replace them within 48 hours. - TradeDesk Team Ltd is not responsible for the result of this service, but trains,
supervises and guarantees the high level of service you will receive, according to its long
experience and reputation. - The work they offer you is through Telework from their fully equipped premises
(computer, high speed internet, printer, telephone line etc), except for the period of
time that has been pre-agreed and concerns their training in your company. - Employees’ working hours and days are provided by agreement and are chosen by you
in order to be beneficial to your business, according to its needs. - Your company and the people in charge of this cooperation should behave decently and
cooperatively towards our employees who carry out the service, so that there is an
atmosphere of cooperation and understanding. For any dispute or disagreement with
any of our employees, you should contact the manager assigned to your account so that
an appropriate solution can be provided. - All your instructions to our company’s employees should be in accordance with the laws
of the state where the service is offered, and your company is responsible for ensuring
that the process is in compliance with the law.
2. Cost of Services and payment method - The cost of our services is calculated on an hourly basis and is offered to you according
to the scale defined on our website. - The cost covers each and every expense (equipment as described above and unlimited
phone calls in Greece and EU) and there are no additional expenses other than these. - Your company is obligated to prepay for the hours it chooses each time and makes use
of this time by its choice, without being charged for holidays or other employer
contributions. However, you should discuss our employees’ hours with them and with
your Account Manager so that everyone is kept up to date in a timely basis. - All payments to our company are made electronically, through our website, by selecting
the number of hours you wish to pre-purchase and then heading to checkout to
complete the procedure. As payment methods, you can choose to pay via direct debit of
your bank account, via any bank card or by transferring to our company’s account. - TradeDesk Team Ltd is obligated to invoice each payment exempt from VAT, due to its
foreign headquarters (UK). An invoice for our services will be sent to you within the first
5 days of the following month and will be for all the payments you have made in the
past month.
You can see the description of this service and the cost, on our website